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Project 3 - Light

You have been selected to design a proposed non-denominational chapel located on the campus of SUNY Farmingdale. The college wants this to be a spiritual place that people of all faiths can worship and reflect on life's events. The College believes that this can be achieved by the creative use of light. The building should be integrated into the fabric of the campus

The purpose of this project is to understand how natural lighting can effect interior spaces. The natural light should not directly touch the interior floor and should be based on the sun movement around Farmingdale State College.

Contextual Analysis

Light Research

The following light models were constructed using lighting methods researched in class. The research included architects such as Le Corbusier and Louis Khan. By utilizing the lighting methods utilized by these architects, our own interpretation was created.

Light Model #1

Light Model #1

The curvature of the light models roof allows light to be diffused as it bounces off the curves and hits the slanted ceiling on the inside.

Interior of Light Model #1

Interior of Light Model #1

The interior view shows the light bouncing off of the slanted ceiling and reflecting on to the flat ceiling in front of the opening.

Light Model #2

Light Model #2

This light model utilizes a light canon, as well as 2 skylights with a curved cover on the interior.

Interior of Light Model #2

Interior of Light Model #2

This interior view shows the curved covers on the interior reflecting the light to the angled side walls. The hole of the light cannon can be seen above the covered skylights.

Light Model #3

Light Model #3

Light Model #3 consists of only a small vertical opening with a "V" shaped cover on the interior to reflect the light.

Interior of Light Model #3

Interior of Light Model #3

The "V" shaped cover in front of the slim opening reflects the light while preventing it from being too harsh.

Site Selection

Based on the surrounding patterns of the Farmingdale State College, the location of the chapel will be northeast of formal eclipse space. It will connect to the primary circulation of the college, and will be irregularly shaped, as the surrounding buildings are as well. The pictures below show the location of the chapel, as well as the contextual patterns incorporated.

Site Plan

Site Plan

Sun Direction

Sun Direction

Symmetry of Surrounding Buildings

Symmetry of Surrounding Buildings

Height of Surrounding Buildings

Height of Surrounding Buildings

Circulation Path

Circulation Path

Narrative & Ranking

The main sanctuary is the most important part of the chapel but will only be used for special ceremonies in the morning. The memorial room is the next most important as it will be used the most often for students  sending prayers to their passed relatives. It will be lit mainly during the afternoon. The meditation chapel will be the brightest and should be lightest in the evening for students trying to relax at the end of their school days.

1st) Main Sanctuary

2nd) Memorial Chapel

3rd) Meditation Chapel

Final Design

Chapel Floor Plan

Chapel Floor Plan

North Elevation

North Elevation

West Elevation

West Elevation

South Elevation

South Elevation

East Elevation

East Elevation

Meditation Chapel Section

Meditation Chapel Section

Lobby and Main Sanctuary Section

Lobby and Main Sanctuary Section

Memorial Chapel Section

Memorial Chapel Section

Interior Main Sanctuary Lighting

Interior Main Sanctuary Lighting

Interior Meditation Chapel Lighting

Interior Meditation Chapel Lighting

Interior Memorial Chapel Lighting

Interior Memorial Chapel Lighting

SUNY Farmingdale Chapel

SUNY Farmingdale Chapel

SUNY Farmingdale Chapel

SUNY Farmingdale Chapel

Front of Chapel 7am-7pm

Front of Chapel 7am-7pm

Play Video

Notre Dame du Haut - Le Corbusier   


Contextual Analysis

Contextual Analysis

Sun Rotation over SUNY Farmingdale

Sun Rotation over SUNY Farmingdale

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